The Pointless Debate over Bumiputera Quotas Between Racists and Meritocrats

On either side of the "moderator", liberal meritocrats and conservative defenders of race-based affirmative action find themselves at a moral standoff as regards racist education quotas and the national "identity" of Malaysia.

“In a planned economy that serves the needs of human beings, there would be no need for such moralistic alternatives to racist quotas as merit, which presupposes in the first place a competitive economy that ultimately serves the needs of the wealthy and powerful. At best it is a coping mechanism on the part of the petty bourgeois who have had trouble dealing with the myth of upward mobility all crumbling down on him at once; at worst it is a cruel insult callously thrown at the workers of the world who feed, clothe, and shelter all of us, and who have brought us all the technological wonders of the world not because, but in spite, of their exploitation.”

The Reformist Doctor Who Treats the Symptom, Not the Cause

The reformist, social-democratic leader of PSM, Dr Jeyakumar, argues that one "does not have to be a socialist" and only has to "be a Keynesian" to come up with a solution to the capitalist crisis that is eating away at our public healthcare.

Because PSM does not recognize, as we do, the material fact that the state is nothing more than an instrument of the ruling class—that is, a tool for domination of one class over another—thus it is at best reluctant, and at worst unwilling, to challenge the capitalist state at its core. Instead, its strategy revolves around operating within the constraints of the existing system, lobbying for reforms and seeking the support of progressive liberal allies along the way, promising to curb the excesses of capitalism.

Book Review: Megathreats

Tony Saunois reviews ‘Megathreats: The Ten Trends that Imperil Our Future, and How to Survive Them’ by Nouriel Roubini Capitalism’s ‘Megathreats’ Many bourgeois economists have tended to put a gloss on the deep systemic crisis facing world capitalism. They have often seized upon this or that marginal piece of “good” news to empirically conclude that […]

Book Review: My Side Of History By Chin Peng

This book is important from a number of points of view. The author was the leader of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), which he joined as a 15-year old schoolboy, and which played an important role in two guerrilla struggles – in the Second World War and in the post-war 12-year ‘Emergency’, in reality […]

Ola Bola: Ulasan Filem

Filem Ola Bola yang mula ditayangkan pada 28 Januari mendapat sambutan daripada berbagai kaum, satu perkara yang jarang berlaku dalam industri perfileman negara. Ola Bola diilhamkan dari zaman kegemilangan bolasepak negara pada awal 1980an di mana Malaysia layak untuk bertanding di Sukan Olimpik Moscow apabila berjaya mengalahkan Korea Selatan dalam pertandingan akhir kelayakan. Tetapi pasukan […]